Veronica..full size PU kit
full size kit can be use for personal use, S4H /S4O. It contains 51
elements and 21 papers png and jpg 300 dpi
contains 3 different Alphas full size 300 dpi to go with the pu/s4h/s4o Veronica Kit however these elements are commercial use
300 dpi contains 4 clusters and 1 decorated side bar
overlays are various sizes and coordinate with the full size kit of the same name
300 dpi
300 dpi
2 Quick pages made from the Veronica PU kit full size 300dpi
contains 13 assorted tags and journals png 300dpi
add on kit for the Veronica full pu kit contains 12 papers jpg 300dpi
this kit can be found in these stores
want to see what my clever CT team has been up to with this kit