Sunday, December 01, 2013

Pixel Scrapper December blog train_Winter Wonderland

This is the first time ive joined this blog train and by golly its huge and there are some amazing freebies up for grabs

theres no blog list as some of the participants have no blogs but you can download all the parts from this thread on the forum here...
pixelscrapper forum

and you can get my part  here

Dont forget to leave a hug Image Hosted by


dragonfly60 said...

Thank you this is much appreciated

dragonfly60 said...

Thank you so much!

dragonfly60 said...

Thank you this is much appreciated

Anonymous said...

Hug & Thanks!

Magnolia said...

Thank you so much for sharing.

Bre said...

Very nice!
Thank you

Lou Anne Hazel said...

Thank you! I'm glad you joined the Pixel Scrapper Blog Train.

*~Nightshadow~* said...


MomOnceAgain said...

Thank you - it's wonderful!

Marisa Lerin said...

Wonderful illustrations! Thanks for sharing!

omalley24 said...

Heartfelt thanks for such a beautiful portion of the Winter Wonderland Blog Train. Very appreciated.

patchas said...

Hugs and a big thank you. Merry Christmas to you! Come check out my blog for some cute freebies too.

patchas said...

Hugs and a big thank you. Merry Christmas to you. Check out my blog for some cute freebies for you too.

Catherine said...

I just love your doodle-y style kit, thank you for sharing!

doodle said...

Thank you! The hand drawn style is lovely!

Mary K said...

Miggins, thank you for your sketches in your mini kit. They are great!

TonyaKaye said...

Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

Lis said...

Beautiful mini!! Thank you so much!!

annette lee said...

thank you so much!

TerriK said...

thanks for the AWESOME mini kit!