Tuesday, July 07, 2015

freebies from my CT team for you

check out these wonderful free gifts for you made by Vivian at China Doll Scrapping

 you find these and many more wonderful goodies

thanks you so much vivian
 photo hug.png


Anonymous said...


I was excited when I saw all your freebies. However, the download does not work.

Elvie Du

carolynf said...

Your download does not work. I tried several different browsers and I made sure I was signed it at dropbox. I have heard that dropbox doesn't work very well.

Your quickpages are awesome. I hope you get the download fixed.

Hutch said...

Hope you get the downloads fixed, they look great!

carolynf said...

I have been downloading other stuff from that website. Therefore, I know it is not my computer it is on your end that needs to be fixed. What a shame to created such pretty quickpages and not be able to download them.

Miggins said...

so sorry you all had issues with her site
i just tried and it works fine for me so maybe its fixed ..please do try again...x

carolynf said...

I am still trying. I have now tried firefox, internet explorer, and chrome browsers. None of them work. I am even a member of box and I logged in thinking that would make a difference. I taught computers for many years; therefore, I know what I am doing. I hope this is a free service for you otherwise you are wasting your money.

I wish you would put them at another site for downloading. There are many good sites out there where I never have a problem downloading.

Sorry for all my comments but if you go to all the work creating such beautiful designs, it is a shame that we cannot download them.

Miggins said...

Hi carolyn im afraid they are on the lady who made thems site and d/loader not mine so i cannot do much more than pass along your messages (which i have ) xxxx