Monday, February 15, 2010

Bits N Bobs Blog Train - Feeling Lucky

This months themed Kit is called Feeling Lucky.
a lot of hard work has gone into bringing you this kit so please make sure you leave some love and encouragement for all the designers. and dont forget to visit the station too.
the train stops at the stations below and you can download my part here

Blog train
Train station

Bits N Bobs

Artmama's Studio

digital blueprint

Designing scraps

Gothic inspirations

Ellanoir design

Creative Scraps

Miggins does Scrapsville

Crafted by Gina

ABCreations Digi Scrap Blog

Felice original

Dark Moon's Dream

Scrappy bit of fun

Designed by Stina

Winters loft

Creative Disorder

Created by Jill

Majik Of Mystee Designz

Designs by Nisa

Dont forget to leave a hug Image Hosted by


Heather's Jewelry Box said...

Ohh...I love the rainbow. Very cool kit. Thanks for sharing.

lildaisydaisy said...

Thank you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

thank you- pretty images shareed make me smile,

Anonymous said...

cool thanks!

Phylis said...

beautiful kit. Thanks so very much for sharing your wonderful work! I appreciate it

Gothic Inspirations said...

Hey there! Thank you so much for your part of the train, I'm loving it. Great job. Hugs, Jessica

Anonymous said...

Thank you.. I like it so much!

SleepingBeautie said...

Thank you!!!