Monday, April 20, 2009

PSP Preset Shapes

Heres some preety butterflys for you, these were made in psp9 they work in X but i dont have any higher versions to test them on. maybe some nice soul will try them and let me know

unzip to your jasc or corel psp preset shapes folder download links are below the previews

Download here

download here

Download here


Craftymumz Creations said...

Thank you for these! My daughter and I love butterflies. Have you ever been to BUTTERFLY WORLD in Florida? OH MAN...... The butterflies and flowers thay have are GORGEOUS!!!!!! Thank you for making some of my layouts easier to do now that I have these!

JoanneM said...

Thanks for sharing! It's really hard to find nice preset shapes!


Kessa said...

Thank you for these beautiful butterfly preset shapes.

Mungo said...

Thank you for these great butterflies

banners321 said...

Awww thanks they are so pretty

Doris Lynch said...

Thank you so much for these butterflies..they are beautiful. I tested them in PSP X2 and they work fine. God bless.

LoriRuth said...

Thank you so much for the PSP shapes. It is very gracious of you. said...

Thank you for sharing your butterflies - they are so pretty! I would love to have you visit my blog sometime at; and again thank you for sharing!

Happy Scrap Arts said...

thank you so much

Foxycrafts said...

Beautiful butterflies. Thank you so much.

Love Joan xx

Sparky said...

Hi Miggins I could use your help...looking for just dots or hearts for preset tools in psp to use for do I add more to my software options?

Heather Oliver said...

Thank you so much for these great shapes.

NIQUI said...

thank you very much for the preset shapes

NIQUI said...

Thank you very much for sharing the preset shapes

Anonymous said...

Thanks & they work in PSP X5

*~Nightshadow~* said...

Wonderful. Thank you.

dulcelil said...

thank you very much