Beautiful Colours in this months train my part is some clip art elements and 3 full size backdrops / viewpapers
you can get them here
and heres the rest of the train...remeber we are all on different time
zones if a stops not ready please do go back and dont forget to send
some love when you visit
Thanks so much for sharing...these are awesome!!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful freebie !
Beautiful colors!! Love the tents, flashlight, tree and boots!!! The paperviews are stunning!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Thank you for another flash to the past. I used to camp a lot when my boys were in scouts as both my husband and I were leaders. I think the best compliment I ever received from one of the scouts was when one of them was hurt and needed a little first aid. He told me that I never was seen until I was needed and like magic I was there. None of the boys ever knew just how hard I tried to be invisible and not spoil their 'boy time with nature'. So you can see why this was such a compliment. Thanks! Marie H.
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