Monday, June 15, 2015

Wilma4ever June Blogtrain...Marsala

 my pack this month contains some 3 x 4 inch (900 x 1200px)
journal/pocket cards they are all 300 dpi and saved in JPG format
you can get them here

 photo 2 button.png

We are all on different time zones, so if someone doesn't have their part up yet, please check back later.
Wilma4Ever (this is the train station's main hub, there is no download here)

   photo hug.png


BlueCat said...

Thank you very much.

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for this great download. It looks very interesting...

OklahomaDawn said...

love these, thank you so much!!

hummerdawn said...

Thank you for the pretty journal cards!

ApriltheScrapaholic said...

Thank you for the awesome journal cards :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful colors!!! Lovely journal cards!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

Pam K said...

Love the journal cards -- thanks for sharing them!