Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pampered Pups April Blog Train

 well as you can see this one got delayed a bit..what with computer breakdowns internet failures etc but it hasnt suffered ..as usual there are some delightful goodies for you
you can get my part here

 photo 2 button.png

 and heres the rest of the train

    photo hug.png


Sue said...

Lovely! The softer colors.... I LOVE THEM! Thanks for being part of this blog train and sharing!

Pam K said...

Lovely colors -- thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

The kit is gorgeous!!! The colors are beautiful together!! Love the bird, the leaf, butterflies, frames and flowers!! The papers are stunning!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Black Mamba's Blog said...

Thank you so much♥♥♥