Saturday, September 05, 2009

New Award

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A very big thank you to Hutch and HB for this great award.  It's called the "Blog De Oro Award" and is to be passed on to 10 deserving blogs. They are listed below but please go and visit Hutch and HBs Site which you can find here and send them some love.. so the blogs ive decided to award this to are:...


Mincrisar said...

thx so much for this award!

Denise said...

Thanks so much hun for the award...will get it posted later today :-)

Karen Kleiman said...

Oh Hun, thanks so so much 4 the award, so sorry for the delay I am so so ashamed, but better late than ever, thanks so so so much again, big hugs my dear friend, Karen

Elsina said...

Thank you for the award! I am also late, didn't notice the latest shout in the shoutbox. So sorry! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~!!!!!!!

Alexe said...

Thanks sweetie