This journey is meant to share our THANKFULNESS for all of our blessings and gifts whether it be to our God, husband/wife, children, siblings, friends, neighbors, online buddies, pastors, doctors, mailmen, teachers, or just about anyone we interact with on a day to day basis or even occasionally.
you can download my part here
here are the rest of the train stops...dont forget to leave some love for all the hard work that the designers have put into these kits for you
Paulette, TlcCreations
Rhonda, Craftymumz Creations
Rachel, Rachels Expressionz
Darlene, Sassy Imagination
Jodhi, Miggins Place
Karen, Scrapbooking Autism
Anastacia's Scraps
Michelle, Crafty Scraps
Studio RA Designs, Royanna
Yanna, Scrap by Yanna
Spencer, Humbug Graphics
Hutch's Baby Faith in Christ Scraps
Tracy Did It
Teri, Piccolina Designs
Melinda's Designs
and get some extra freebie goodies at the train blog
Thank you for your participation and your wonderful part of the blog train.
What a wonderful addition to the Thankful BT. Hugs and God Bless, HB
Thank you!! Thank you!! :)
Thanks for sharing your creation with us for the BTA BT. Hugs -- xoxo! (terri - hawaii)
Very Pretty...((HUGS))
Thanks Mig. Awesome kit.
lovely, thank you!
THANK YOU for playing on our train's journey! It was fun!
Thanks so much for sharing your time and talent!
Thank you for your lovely kit!!!
What a beautiful blog train! Your contribution is gorgeous as always!! I love the colors!! thanks so much for sharing!!
Thank you!!! =)
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