.....and Another Award

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A great big hug and many thanks to RhondaSue for nominating me for this award,
she is a lovely lady and her blog is fulll of beautifull freebies so go over and say hello and say i sent you, you can find her blog here http://craftymumzcreations.blogspot.com/
and dont forget to leave her a hug..

so i have to pass this on to some deserving blogs and these are the ones ive chosen

Shelle at http://shellezcreations.blogspot.com/

Honey at http://honeymoonarts.blogspot.com/

Xtenziv at http://xtenziv.blogspot.com/

Ann at http://angelicscraps.blogspot.com/

please go and visit them and dont forget to leave some love..


Awwwwwwwwwwwwe sweetie you are to kind!!! thank you so much for this beautiful award!!
Honey aka DAMSV said…
Thanks for picking out my blog and nominate it - love and added my new award and passed it to some other blogs.

Anonymous said…
Love and Hugs for a job well done. Hilda from Dallas