Wednesday, February 05, 2025

New FTU Easy Tag Pack -Bohemian Spring

Easy Tag Packs

This kit is aimed at beginners and/or people who like or need  to make a quick tag.

Most of the elements in this kit can be used on their own or with just a paper to make an attractive tag in minutes

the elements are  not tubes...they are watercolour style or misted and blended  by me to add to the aesthetics 

T his kit is  quite large so I've split it and added the folder views for you to get a better idea of what's in it.  It is also cu4cu so you can also use it as a cu pack  ive also added the papers as PDF in thier own zip to cut down sizes

                 please leave a comment and tell me what you think of the idea..  

Not all shown   also contains 3 masks and a template

Download here


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this gift !
Love the papers with the buttons, they are so beautiful !! Thank you +++

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the beautiful spring papers !

~~Martine~~ said...

Another gorgeous offering. Thank you