Friday, October 15, 2010

BNB - Ice is Nice Blog Train

 Wow i loved the colours in this kit and so many diffrent interpretations of the theme too...
as usual theres a lot more in mine than is on the preview.

you can download my part here 

dont forget to visit the rest of the train too
and leave some love when you do ...roll on next months

Blog train

Bits N Bobs
Artmamas Studio
Digital BluePrint
KiKeKa Kits
Black widow Creationz
AW Design
Scrap and Tubes
Crystals Creations
S.G.Rowe Designs
Gothic Inspirations
Cottage Scraps
Designs by LK
Miggins does scrapsville
Creative Intentionz
Created by Jill
Pinks Poetic Scraps
Gothic Inspirations

Dont forget to leave a hug Image Hosted by


KatherineWoodin said...

Thank you

Stephanie said...

I love this blog train! Thank you very much for your part! :)

myrrhmaid319 said...

Thank-you for posting. I love the snowman, he appears to be dancing!

Peggie said...

This is so pretty. Thank you.

Phylis said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful kit! Its just lovely! Appreciate it.

clubiani said...

thank you for sharing your adorable contribution!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your ice is nice contribution. It's wonderful.