Saturday, January 16, 2010

PSP Shapes_Art Deco Florals

ive been sorting out some of the resources from my old site and making previews etc....not as easy as it sounds lol so youll be seeing some shapes and brushes appear..i hope someone can use them its a shame to leave them sitting on a hard drive doing nothing
the first of these is some Art Deco stuff florals and motifs
you can download this pack here

if any of you want them as pngs  leave me a comment or a message in the shoutbox

Dont forget to leave a hug Image Hosted by


Wendy said...

I love these shapes, but use PSCS2. I would LOVE to have them as png if you are willing! Thanks, Wendy

Grammie's Blog said...

Hugs for you. Thank you for sharing.

Lime said...

Hi -- thank you so much! These are wonderful and useful, too! :)