Friday, November 27, 2009

PSP Script - Floral Elements 1

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a couple more floral scripts for you
all tested in versions 9 10 and X2 by my wonderfull testing team
if youd like this for version 8 let me know

you can download this script here

Dont forget to leave a hug Image Hosted by


SharonKay said...

Thanks for the great new scripts. You are so kind.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 27 Nov [LA 02:00pm, NY 05:00pm, UK 10:00pm] - 28 Nov [OZ 09:00am]).

Ryn said...

these are very pretty :-) Thanks for sharing!

Roseytoes Designs said...

i have pse7, is there anyway of getting it for that??

Meadows said...

Thank you so much for these freebie scripts. You are very kind.... Val

LorenzenDesign said...

Just love your scripts!! Thank you SO much for sharing them!!!

HarleyGirl said...

Very delicate and beautiful, thank you so much

Im.HeartGem said...

Thank you so much for all the wonderful goodies!!