Saturday, May 23, 2009

PSP Script - Harlequin Flower

i have these just flowering in my garden and they are so preety..a big thank you goes out to Linda for testing this script for me.. you can find her Low Carb recipe site here..Thanks Linda

no outside plugins just put the selections in your selection folder and run the script.
Linda made an awesome element using a rainbow gradient which looked just the real thing..

you can download the script here

dont forget to leave a hug

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JoanneM said...

Holy Cow!! Thanks so much for this great freebie script, hun!

Honey aka DAMSV said...

thanks for sharing my dear

Anonymous said...

leaving you a HUG :) TFS

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Photoshop/Gimp Resource(s) (Brush(es), Swatch/Palette, ...) post on May. 24, 2009. Thanks again.

laurabmundy said...

thank you so much. this is very pretty.

Unknown said...

I've not used a script too much, so I hope I have luck with this because it is an awesome share!! Thanks so much!

Joni said...

Great script!! Thanks

Tigger said...

I could make a whole scrap garden with these flower scripts! This works perfectly in PSP 11, too. Thank you!

Linda said...

Hello and Thank you for this PSP script...