just wanted to let you know that i started a tutorial site..
quite a few of you have said that you downloaded a mask or preset shape cos you liked them but didnt know how to use them...so nows your chance..lol
ive aimed the tuts at beginners because we tend to forget that while us hardened pspers have been in it since the start there are many many eager artists who are just starting out on thier digital adventures..
if you have any requests for tutorials just leave me a note in my shoutbox on the right there.
theres only a couple so far but you can visit my tut site here
theres also a link in the far column ---->
quite a few of you have said that you downloaded a mask or preset shape cos you liked them but didnt know how to use them...so nows your chance..lol
ive aimed the tuts at beginners because we tend to forget that while us hardened pspers have been in it since the start there are many many eager artists who are just starting out on thier digital adventures..
if you have any requests for tutorials just leave me a note in my shoutbox on the right there.
theres only a couple so far but you can visit my tut site here
theres also a link in the far column ---->