Monday, April 20, 2009

Taggers Kit - Corallie

This is a preety kit that ive named after my eldest daughter whose birthday it would hve been today. as usual there id far more in it that i could fit in the preview 85 elements and 22 papers.

ive been playing around with the scripting in psp so look out for some psp9 and 10 scripts coming to a blog near you..

you can download this kit here

and dont forget to leave a hug


Janet said...

Thank you for sharing this beautiful kit and the alpha too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 25 Apr [LA 07:02pm, NY 09:02pm] - 26 Apr [UK 02:02am, OZ 12:02pm] ).

Lady Julie said...

I will find many uses for this lovely palette. Thanks for the freebie.

Jazzy Peggy said...

Thank you for the pretty kit

JulesofColorado said...

Thank you very much. It's very pretty.