Friday, June 01, 2018

BNB Blog Train - Out To Sea

Who lay against the sea, and fled,
Who lightly loved the wave,
Shall never know, when he is dead,
A cool and murmurous grave.

But in a shallow pit shall rest
For all eternity,
And bear the earth upon the breas
That once had worn the sea.


SiskiyouSue said...

Thank you for the lovely backgrounds.

Angelhaze said...

Thank you very much! :)💖

Liza G said...

Thank you very much.

Pam K said...

Love these beautiful papers -- thanks for sharing them!!

Gala said...

Большое спасибо за красивые бумаги!

Mouette said...

Thank you very much

Karenality said...

Thank you so much!! The papers are beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

thank you so very much

auntie_shells said...

Love your work! Unfortunately, attempted to download this file and mediafile told me that it had to generate a new key. Just thought you'd like to know.